11.   Pataki and Cuomo had both found themselves stymied in their efforts to collect taxes from businesses operating on American Indian reservations without violating American Indian sovereignty.

12.   Pataki and Cuomo had both found themselves stymied in their efforts to collect taxes from businesses operating on Indian reservations without violating Indian sovereignty.

13.   President Clinton has endorsed the tax credit and interracial adoption provisions but has expressed concern that the American Indian provision might violate tribal sovereignty.

14.   Proponents of the tax plan argue that the Constitution assures their right to regulate tribes, but critics counter that it would violate tribal sovereignty.

15.   The Chinese have agreed to look carefully at the issue, but say that their sovereignty will be violated by mandatory postshipment inspections.

16.   The carefully worded State Department statement will allow the North Koreans to maintain that they did extract an apology from the United States for illegally violating their sovereignty.

17.   The issue is whether the federal law violates state sovereignty.

18.   The governments of Barbados and Jamaica claim it violates their sovereignty.

19.   The president said that Milosevic continues to oppose a NATO peacekeeping force in Kosovo, on the ground that it violates Serbian sovereignty.

20.   The Turkish government also dismissed criticism from Baghdad on Thursday that it had violated Iraqi sovereignty.

v. + sovereignty >>共 176
claim 20.88%
violate 8.34%
recognize 6.89%
have 3.05%
retain 2.83%
regain 2.39%
relinquish 2.18%
resume 2.10%
cite 1.89%
demand 1.67%
violate + n. >>共 357
law 23.09%
rule 10.25%
right 5.48%
agreement 4.39%
constitution 2.73%
regulation 2.58%
airspace 2.43%
term 2.32%
probation 1.94%
sanction 1.68%
sovereignty 1.62%
每页显示:    共 114