11.   Indeed, productivity gains were occurring at such a remarkable pace that one view held rate hikes were completely unncessary because inflation seemed a thing of the past.

12.   Mirroring views held nationally, voters here rank education far ahead of taxes as an election-year concern.

13.   Of course, a more cynical view would hold that casting Washington as Don Pedro eliminated the possibility of linking him romantically with a white actress.

14.   Or so the conventional view holds.

15.   Such a plan reflects the rather pessimistic view held by Wells management that banking is such a rapidly shrinking industry that banking companies must reduce their capital bases accordingly.

16.   That view holds that the U.S. economy would be helped even more by a revived Japanese economy than by a struggling one.

17.   The conventional scientific view holds that humans should not suffer long-term health effects to exposure to chemical agents unless they had acute health symptoms at the time of exposure.

18.   The conventional view holds that Homo habilis evolved into erectus only in Africa, then wandered into the Mideast and Asia.

19.   The opposing view holds that the United States has no business injecting itself into foreign conflicts unless they involve demonstrably vital American interests.

20.   The opposite view holds that tackling the federal budget deficit would convince the international community the United States is finally curing its wasteful ways.

n. + hold >>共 1307
group 2.14%
official 2.13%
government 2.13%
leader 1.86%
company 1.78%
rebel 1.61%
country 1.53%
party 1.51%
court 1.38%
police 1.36%
view 0.16%
view + v. >>共 348
be 53.18%
change 2.80%
seem 1.91%
prevail 1.62%
have 1.42%
come 1.30%
hold 1.14%
differ 1.05%
make 0.97%
become 0.89%
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