11.   After viewing the film, Xerox engineers concluded that simplicity was more important than fancy features.

12.   But in addition they viewed the film as a potential summer sleeper and are now faced with delicate questions about its advertising and trailers.

13.   Completing the cultural contrast, they intend to remain upright in their seats and actually view the film.

14.   Doctors then use custom software to view the film.

15.   Even during his heyday, Donen was never taken very seriously by critics because his films were viewed as entertainments and not seen as weighty.

16.   He asked his patient to view this film and said they would talk about it during their next therapy session.

17.   He viewed game films and as many games as possible on television.

18.   If anything, he views the film as something of a throwback.

19.   If Fassel is unable to come up with answers when he views the films, the Vikings will be happy to supply a few theories of their own.

20.   In a newsletter that went out Tuesday, Pace Academy headmaster Michael Murphy recommends that parents view the film and then talk about it with their kids.

v. + film >>共 851
make 11.22%
watch 6.26%
see 4.84%
show 4.48%
shoot 2.84%
produce 2.62%
direct 2.54%
release 2.26%
study 1.62%
distribute 1.28%
view 0.80%
view + n. >>共 1726
world 1.25%
tape 0.93%
film 0.91%
body 0.88%
report 0.80%
move 0.78%
life 0.76%
video 0.75%
photo 0.73%
case 0.73%
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