11.   Keeping fleas under control takes work, veterinarians say.

12.   Several area veterinarians said that if you suspect your animal is sick, you can take it in for testing.

13.   That awful veterinarian said Fluffy tries to bite him whenever he gives her a shot.

14.   That is six or seven times higher than the number usually seen at this time of the year, veterinarians say.

15.   The veterinarian said the dog looks like a beagle mix.

16.   The veterinarian said the dog needs his medicine or he may die of seizures.

17.   The vaccine approved for use in dogs does not protect them from wild animal strains, college veterinarians say.

18.   Veterinarians said fitting her with a prosthesis was being considered.

19.   Veterinarians say fat cats who eat too much and get too little exercise are susceptible to respiratory problems, lameness, arthritis and skin disorders.

20.   Veterinarians say that thousands of ostensibly healthy cats like Torti are infected with FIV but have never been tested.

n. + say >>共 480
official 17.88%
police 6.16%
analyst 4.36%
report 3.78%
source 3.33%
spokesman 3.05%
company 2.65%
expert 2.16%
authority 1.82%
government 1.60%
veterinarian 0.01%
veterinarian + v. >>共 129
say 16.06%
be 7.27%
find 3.64%
use 3.03%
check 2.73%
have 2.73%
examine 2.12%
advise 1.82%
try 1.82%
prescribe 1.82%
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