11.   They will also include vast quantities of physical as well as financial data about every aspect of the different Markets.

12.   Vast quantities of beer and food were being consumed.

13.   Vast quantities of food and drink were consumed at the wedding.

14.   ...vast quantities of food.

15.   ...the vast quantities of smoke belching out from the volcano.

16.   She imbibed vast quantities of coffee.

17.   Historians should not be tricked into believing that the survival of vast quantities of data will alone provide the fertile soil for the writing of history.

18.   Regional Magistrate Gerry Harty agreed that the firm had a good record and said it bought vast quantities for distribution to its various stores.

19.   Already, online constituents can tap vast quantities of information about what Congress is doing, from texts of proposed bills to the full daily Congressional Record.

20.   Analysts said Tuesday that the two technologies were quickly blending in the face of extreme pressure for higher performance data communication systems needed to handle vast quantities of information.

a. + quantity >>共 255
large 33.09%
small 12.10%
huge 4.87%
limited 4.61%
unknown 4.02%
vast 3.47%
larger 2.14%
sufficient 1.55%
great 1.55%
greater 1.44%
vast + n. >>共 1207
majority 23.51%
amount 3.83%
area 2.84%
number 2.52%
array 1.61%
network 1.39%
market 1.30%
tract 1.29%
country 1.28%
expanse 1.24%
quantity 1.18%
每页显示:    共 93