11.   Eighty percent of the captured water would be used to restore the ecosystem, giving the Everglades half the total expanded water supply.

12.   Fortunately, a number of products, called deck cleaners or deck revivers, can be used to restore the natural color of wood.

13.   How can I get the rust off and what kind of paint should I use to restore it?

14.   In transplants, they are used to restore bone marrow function after a patient receives a high dose of chemotherapy and radiation.

15.   Over the course of the last five years, a combination of private contributions and public funds has been used to restore the train depot to its original glory.

16.   Proceeds will largely be used to restore the exterior of the Gamble House.

17.   Recent ISTEA grants in the region have been used to restore the concourse ceiling at Grand Central Terminal and for Sleepy Hollow Landing in North Tarrytown, N.Y.

18.   The first products would most likely be used to restore color to gray hair by delivering pigments to the hair follicles.

19.   Pacemakers are used to restore a normal heart beat.

20.   Plans call for it to be used to restore beaches along the river and Delaware Bay in Delaware and New Jersey, Diemer said.

v. + restore >>共 91
work 23.99%
retransmit 12.67%
do 8.36%
use 7.82%
fight 5.12%
intervene 4.58%
act 1.89%
can 1.62%
cost 1.35%
arrive 1.35%
use + v. >>共 1194
make 6.49%
treat 2.74%
help 2.61%
pay 1.94%
buy 1.44%
be 1.40%
produce 1.34%
build 1.26%
finance 1.25%
create 1.11%
restore 0.16%
每页显示:    共 29