11.   But some of the parties who have been questioned or searched in the investigation questioned the tactics the government used to get Garcia to accept a plea bargain.

12.   But the threat of bankruptcy, he said, is a bargaining chip the other bondholders are using to get the best deal they can from Malone.

13.   Does it matter that prodding, coaching, posing, shocking and drawing were used to get these pictures?

14.   Doctors ought to urge their patients to exercise with the same persistence they use to get them to quit smoking, Booth and other exercise scientists say.

15.   Elise Scileppi, a Brown University student, carries tubing used to get core samples.

16.   First used to get at high-level drug dealers, it has since been applied to a range of crimes and has spread to state courts.

17.   Howard said he had to ban the A Campers from carrying nitrous oxide tanks, which they use to get high, and from setting off fireworks.

18.   It can now be argued the benefit college football used to get from the controversy about the bowl system has reached its limit.

19.   Medtronic argues that the federal law applies broadly to all medical devices approved by the FDA, regardless of which legal process is used to get federal marketing approval.

20.   Ours goes to school out of state, and if the census is used to get more representation in Congress we lose out.

v. + get >>共 732
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figure 1.96%
out 1.38%
lie 1.22%
use + v. >>共 1194
make 6.49%
treat 2.74%
help 2.61%
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finance 1.25%
create 1.11%
get 0.32%
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