11.   To keep his company on its toes, Magoon said he tries to tamper with his own urine specimens.

12.   Organizers of the University Games have installed mirrors in their doping-control stations to prevent athletes from tampering with urine specimens, state media said Monday.

13.   The urine specimen was divided into A and B samples and sealed in separate containers.

n. + specimen >>共 87
biopsy 49.39%
urine 3.96%
blood 3.05%
museum 2.13%
butterfly 1.83%
plant 1.83%
colectomy 1.83%
tissue 1.83%
wall 1.22%
autopsy 1.22%
urine + n. >>共 57
sample 43.15%
test 37.17%
flow 2.36%
specimen 2.05%
output 1.89%
therapy 1.10%
analysis 0.94%
culture 0.63%
collection 0.63%
control 0.47%
每页显示:    共 13