11.   Because of shifts in population, boundary commissions have created eight new seats for the upcoming election and adjusted the configuration of many districts.

12.   Besides building the giant church, Falwell plans to be involved in the upcoming presidential election.

13.   Both parties have thus found it difficult to field strong challengers to run against incumbents in the upcoming election cycle.

14.   Brazilian stocks dropped as lawmakers delayed taking action to close a budget deficit to campaign on behalf of colleagues in upcoming municipal elections.

15.   A mid-year financial report of Rep. Sherrod Brown reveals the Democratic lawmaker has no debts, no serious contenders and apparently no money worries for the upcoming election.

16.   A larger issue, in terms of the upcoming election, is whether people will consider all these strictures a little strange.

17.   A suit demands that their majority black subdistricts be declared impermissible reverse discrimination against whites and dismantled for the upcoming elections.

18.   A suit demands that several majority black subdistricts be declared impermissible because of reverse discrimination against whites, and be dismantled for the upcoming elections.

19.   All the while, the upcoming presidential election was uppermost on his mind.

20.   But he is trying to present the upcoming elections as a referendum on peace even if there is no deal.

a. + election >>共 447
presidential 16.69%
new 6.95%
parliamentary 6.78%
early 5.01%
local 4.33%
national 4.31%
legislative 2.83%
next 2.64%
municipal 2.13%
upcoming 1.92%
upcoming + n. >>共 695
election 14.23%
season 4.58%
meeting 3.23%
visit 2.54%
summit 2.01%
trial 1.72%
talk 1.69%
trip 1.57%
conference 1.49%
game 1.44%
每页显示:    共 569