11.   Further, the O.I.C. presented the court with detailed information about its unsuccessful efforts to obtain this evidence through other sources.

12.   Fox met with Belarussian Foreign Minister Ivan I. Antanovich on Tuesday in the last unsuccessful effort to have the sanctions against the foundation lifted or deferred.

13.   He also said he met secretly with King Hussein of Jordan six times in an unsuccessful effort to open peace negotiations with him.

14.   He also said he would continue to press his so-far unsuccessful effort to lower the sales tax on clothing.

15.   He also has been deeply involved in the thus-far unsuccessful effort to work out a congressional settlement of the tobacco issue.

16.   He said that his unsuccessful effort to restructure state taxes will also be remembered.

17.   He traveled several times to Jordan for secret talks with King Abdullah as part of an unsuccessful effort to reach a broader accord.

18.   Her unsuccessful efforts to assist poverty-fighting groups helped change her political leanings.

19.   His mother and nine other refugees had drowned when their boat sank in an unsuccessful effort to reach the United States.

20.   I covered his unsuccessful effort to get a site for a Stassen campaign trailer on the Kemper Arena grounds, in case he could find a trailer.

a. + effort >>共 805
diplomatic 4.27%
international 3.51%
concerted 1.94%
joint 1.85%
new 1.71%
lobbying 1.34%
best 1.26%
marketing 1.21%
similar 1.18%
fund-raising 1.06%
unsuccessful 0.34%
unsuccessful + n. >>共 311
attempt 20.80%
bid 7.18%
effort 5.95%
candidate 4.32%
campaign 3.43%
talk 2.28%
run 1.88%
bidder 1.71%
search 1.55%
appeal 1.47%
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