11.   Still, as more food is distributed nationally, unsafe practices at even a small company can affect significant numbers of consumers over a wide area.

12.   Still, this is the first time federal officials have learned that cows in the United States were given feed made through unsafe practices.

13.   The poll also disclosed a disquieting level of unsafe sexual practices and ignorance about the disease.

14.   Worker fatigue, heavy workloads for train dispatchers, neglected mechanical inspections and worker intimidation all contributed to unsafe practices, the report said.

15.   Critics oppose spending public money on the bailout, saying large depositers should take responsibility if they put their money in a financial institution with unsafe lending practices.

16.   In Eastern Europe, AIDS has been spreading mainly through unsafe medical practices.

17.   She said men of all races surveyed had engaged in unsafe practices, such as sex without a condom.

18.   Some common unsafe practices are a matter of necessity.

19.   Tens of thousands of people have contracted the virus that causes AIDS through transfusions or from unsafe practices by companies that buy blood.

20.   The collapse sparked a national debate in Brazil about unsafe building practices, abuse of power and immunity for politicians.

a. + practice >>共 750
batting 9.75%
private 3.94%
common 3.55%
first 1.96%
standard 1.94%
medical 1.88%
religious 1.54%
good 1.39%
accounting 1.36%
current 1.23%
unsafe 0.17%
unsafe + n. >>共 138
sex 10.82%
condition 10.20%
product 5.51%
abortion 5.31%
level 4.49%
practice 4.08%
mine 2.24%
truck 2.04%
area 2.04%
speed 1.84%
每页显示:    共 20