11.   CSR Ltd. bucked the trend after Managing Director Geoff Kells resigned, saying he no longer had unqualified support from the board.

12.   Even in their bitterness, they told me that it was not Americans they dislike -- it is unqualified support for Israel that they find so abhorrent.

13.   For one thing, Bulgaria had the unqualified support of international lenders.

14.   Individual presidents will need unqualified support from their trustees as they confront rogue athletic directors who operate by their own rules.

15.   Many Americans, even many of those who offered their unqualified support when Bush took on Saddam Hussein, now wonder if the outcome justified the cost.

16.   Members of Congress from both parties voted overwhelmingly on Thursday to express virtually unqualified support for Israel in its recent military operations in the West Bank.

17.   No mother could have given them the unqualified support that she did.

18.   Only Warner Brothers has shown unqualified support for the medium.

19.   Safir gave unqualified support to the effort, which was planned under Bratton.

20.   Sen. Arlen Specter of Pennsylvania did not express unqualified support, but he drew more applause when he said Foster should have an opportunity to respond to his critics.

a. + support >>共 626
public 6.21%
strong 5.63%
financial 5.50%
popular 3.08%
bipartisan 2.77%
international 2.59%
political 2.58%
broad 2.36%
full 2.09%
technical 1.89%
unqualified 0.23%
unqualified + n. >>共 133
success 15.70%
support 13.66%
people 5.81%
endorsement 4.07%
teacher 2.33%
hit 2.03%
friend 1.74%
minority 1.45%
student 1.45%
candidate 1.16%
每页显示:    共 47