11.   During the study, which will be extended for a year, there were two unplanned pregnancies in the oral contraceptive group and none in the Lunelle group.

12.   For a woman to choose abortion because an unplanned pregnancy interrupts an education, interferes with a job or disrupts a family is to risk being pilloried.

13.   He and Barbara counseled college students about everything from unplanned pregnancies to accepting or resisting the military draft.

14.   His got divorced after telling him he was an unplanned pregnancy.

15.   It perpetuates the misbelief that women and babies are on opposite sides of the issues, she added, and alienates women who face unplanned pregnancies.

16.   Ms. Hernandez, a small, wiry woman, four months into an unplanned pregnancy, said she could not bring herself to have an abortion.

17.   Rust, among many other physicians who counseled women about unplanned pregnancy, saw the issue as one of free speech.

18.   So she and her husband considered her unplanned pregnancy a blessing.

19.   Some of these single parents are teenagers who no longer feel that an unplanned pregnancy need be a mistake.

20.   Tell us how much it costs to pay for an unplanned pregnancy.

a. + pregnancy >>共 162
teen 16.65%
unwanted 14.08%
teen-age 11.61%
teenage 5.80%
unplanned 2.95%
early 2.85%
first 2.66%
difficult 2.57%
unintended 2.38%
high-risk 2.28%
unplanned + n. >>共 100
pregnancy 17.61%
shutdown 3.41%
growth 2.84%
way 2.84%
day 2.27%
travel 2.27%
visit 2.27%
encounter 1.70%
event 1.70%
expenditure 1.70%
每页显示:    共 31