11.   Police said there were no incidents, but Greenpeace accused the police of unnecessary roughness.

12.   After a fumble that ended the previous Dallas series, Cowboys offensive tackle Erik Williams was penalized for unnecessary roughness.

13.   Already playing without five starters and having lost two left guards to injury, they lost starting right guard Everett Lindsay to ejection for unnecessary roughness.

14.   Buchanan, who later apologized for his behavior, was fined for unnecessary roughness.

15.   Carty was flagged for unnecessary roughness.

16.   He acted after a boy cried because of foul language and unnecessary roughness by the other team during a game last season.

17.   We will revisit the rules and make sure they are very clear and tell officials they have the leeway to penalize unsportsmanlike conduct and unnecessary roughness.

18.   An unnecessary roughness penalty was not called on the play.

a. + roughness >>共 8
unnecessary 72.00%
natural 4.00%
necessary 4.00%
occasional 4.00%
only 4.00%
slight 4.00%
soft 4.00%
tactful 4.00%
unnecessary + n. >>共 530
risk 3.65%
suffering 1.94%
force 1.79%
expense 1.63%
cost 1.56%
delay 1.48%
surgery 1.40%
roughness 1.40%
treatment 1.32%
burden 1.24%
每页显示:    共 18