11.   Forbes has unlimited money and a clear if controversial message, and he is stealing moderates and independents from Dole.

12.   He has unlimited money, time and scope and a proclivity for flaunting his conservative anti-Clinton credentials.

13.   It never had either the virtually unlimited money or the single-minded, centralized focus that powered the Hermitage.

14.   It would ban the large unlimited soft money donations to national parties from corporations, businesses and rich people.

15.   It would allow unlimited soft money contributions to continue to state political parties.

16.   Modern technology requires unlimited money.

17.   Most states, including New York and New Jersey, allow unlimited soft money.

18.   On campaign finance reform, the two clashed over the McCain-Feingold bill, which would ban unlimited soft money donations to political parties.

19.   Soft money is the unlimited money that corporations or others can give to political parties rather than individual candidates.

20.   Starr has unlimited money.

a. + money >>共 644
soft 8.80%
federal 7.81%
extra 5.77%
public 5.57%
new 4.68%
additional 2.82%
state 2.04%
foreign 1.58%
good 1.56%
the 1.45%
unlimited 0.24%
unlimited + n. >>共 328
amount 7.38%
access 7.22%
number 6.84%
contribution 4.33%
donation 3.88%
power 3.80%
money 2.51%
potential 2.36%
supply 1.83%
liability 1.75%
每页显示:    共 33