11.   If such unrestricted access to the Serb-held part of Bosnia were provided to tribunal officials, they would be obligated to try to arrest Karadzic and Mladic.

12.   In some cases, masks may prevent tribunal officials from eventually identifying specific perpetrators unless a fellow paramilitary, soldier or policeman becomes a cooperating witness, they said.

13.   In recent weeks, though, tribunal officials have been saying that they cannot work effectively unless they get more cooperation.

14.   In the statement, tribunal officials announced that the lead prosecutor, Justice Louise Arbour, would discuss the circumstances of the arrest in a news conference on Monday.

15.   Investigators from the tribunal have been interviewing refugees in Albania and Macedonia, but tribunal officials declined to comment on the status of the inquiry.

16.   It did not begin a concentrated effort to develop a case against him until last October, according to tribunal officials.

17.   Kovasevic is said to be ill and has had at least one stroke, according to a tribunal official.

18.   None of the Muslim warriors is expected to appear in court, according to tribunal officials.

19.   One tribunal official said that investigators were being taken off other cases to work on the Kosovo cases.

20.   Stuebner would not talk about any investigation, and the tribunal officials who did so spoke on condition of anonymity.

n. + official >>共 339
government 15.68%
administration 6.51%
security 5.00%
city 4.28%
police 4.19%
company 3.43%
ministry 3.37%
health 3.21%
enforcement 2.61%
school 2.27%
tribunal 0.18%
tribunal + n. >>共 137
official 15.42%
spokesman 11.73%
prosecutor 7.60%
investigator 6.62%
judge 5.97%
custody 4.78%
rule 2.50%
indictment 2.50%
staff 2.17%
president 1.85%
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