11.   Trees are blooming.

12.   But the techniques are time consuming and ineffective because the trees bloom three times a year, releasing thousands of seeds each time, Neely said.

13.   In the summer, the flamboyant trees bloom and cover the roads with flaming red flowers.

n. + bloom >>共 223
flower 10.36%
plant 4.50%
tree 2.93%
romance 2.25%
rose 2.25%
tulip 2.25%
violet 1.80%
wildflower 1.80%
love 1.58%
blossom 1.35%
tree + v. >>共 453
be 24.54%
grow 4.33%
fall 4.29%
have 3.82%
die 1.64%
stand 1.56%
look 1.21%
become 1.13%
block 1.13%
produce 1.09%
bloom 0.51%
每页显示:    共 13