11.   The carrier suffered steep losses through the end of the year, but has recently seen its traffic return to normal levels.

12.   Traffic returned in spurts to streets that are usually choked with vehicles.

13.   Traffic has returned to near normal as the barbed wire barricades that separated the neighborhood from the city have for the most part been pulled down.

14.   Air and ground traffic returned to normal Monday in most of the country, but hundreds of people were still stranded in remote islands, officials said.

15.   Air traffic returned to normal in mid-afternoon after police broke up the demonstration.

16.   Air and ground traffic returned to normal Monday in most of the country, but hundreds of people were still stranded on remote islands, officials said.

17.   But it was only temporary and traffic returned to normal after hundreds of villagers worked together to clear up the road.

18.   By early evening, some railway officials cautiously predicted that rail traffic would return to normal on Monday.

19.   But traffic was slowly returning to normal, with many people apparently deciding to take the day off.

20.   Police said most of the station remained open and rail traffic returned to normal about an hour after the shooting.

n. + return >>共 1046
official 2.73%
refugee 2.62%
plane 2.19%
soldier 1.78%
troop 1.65%
team 1.54%
police 1.53%
people 1.39%
worker 1.35%
man 1.23%
traffic 0.32%
traffic + v. >>共 307
be 37.37%
jam 3.21%
come 2.90%
move 2.68%
resume 2.32%
flow 2.32%
remain 1.96%
return 1.88%
stop 1.79%
increase 1.70%
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