11.   But India appeared to toughen its stance Wednesday.

12.   But Forte said the government was toughening its stance.

13.   But the government has toughened its stance amid reports that many were not hardship cases and that criminals had been posing as refugees.

14.   Earlier this month, the European Union had toughened its stance toward Arafat, demanding that he do more to crack down on militants.

15.   However, Perry urged U.N. officials to toughen their stance and use NATO air attacks against offenders, instead of pulling their peacekeepers out of Bosnia.

16.   Maskhadov, meanwhile, has been under strong pressure from the opposition to toughen his stance toward Moscow.

17.   On Thursday, management claimed the strike was organized in violation of existing strike rules, but the strikers denied this and, in retaliation, toughened their stance.

18.   On Friday, in an interview, Meciar toughened his stance.

19.   Ota said he understands the U.S. has recently toughened its stance on the base issue, but that he will continue to push for a reduction of troops.

20.   Rebel Bosnian Serb lawmakers, toughening their stance, demanded Saturday that President Biljana Plavsic revoke her decree dissolving parliament or face dismissal.

v. + stance >>共 181
soften 19.27%
take 11.70%
change 11.60%
harden 3.36%
toughen 3.26%
reiterate 2.97%
reverse 2.59%
support 2.21%
reconsider 2.01%
maintain 1.92%
toughen + n. >>共 112
law 12.66%
penalty 8.86%
stance 6.15%
requirement 4.88%
standard 4.70%
sanction 4.70%
rule 3.80%
enforcement 3.25%
measure 3.07%
regulation 2.89%
每页显示:    共 34