11.   Zinho missed wide left after Bebeto, back to the goal, found him with a splendid touch pass.

12.   And back in its place are patented touch passes, singular vision and the ability to finish off scoring chances.

13.   Deftly trading touch passes, the South Korean attackers weaved through the defense and tapped the ball past the keeper.

14.   In the final minutes of the game, Dooley took a beautiful touch pass from Eric Wynalda and fired a shot that Barrero barely deflected.

15.   Lazio evened the match just before halftime when Brazilian defender Cesar converted a charging shot off a no-look touch pass from Stefano Fiore.

16.   Mexico kept the pressure on, and four minutes later a deft exchange of touch passes sent Miguel Zepeda to the right baseline.

17.   On another, he passed to Clyde Drexler under the basket and the Rockets guard sent a nifty touch pass to Charles Barkley on the wing for a layup.

18.   Stoney Case threw three long touch passes, and Steve Stenstrom and Cory Sauter also threw effectively.

19.   The secret, he explained, is to keep the British off balance with quick touch passes and not let their defense set up.

n. + pass >>共 495
touchdown 26.05%
mountain 8.95%
cross-ice 2.23%
alley-oop 1.83%
no-look 1.72%
time 1.68%
third-down 1.39%
bounce 1.35%
lob 1.35%
season 1.35%
touch 0.69%
touch + n. >>共 88
screen 23.39%
judge 9.27%
pass 7.66%
pad 5.24%
sensor 4.44%
line 3.23%
volley 2.42%
system 2.02%
kick 1.61%
foul 1.61%
每页显示:    共 19