11.   Mexican tomato growers also praised the agreement, saying without it the U.S. Commerce Department would have imposed higher punitive tariffs on Mexican tomatoes.

12.   One group particularly looking forward to the rain is green thumbs, from backyard tomato growers to professional landscapers.

13.   That has alarmed many farmers, especially those like California strawberry growers and Florida tomato growers who use the chemical most extensively.

14.   That agreement slowed financial bleeding that U.S. tomato growers suffered after the North American Free Trade Agreement loosened import restrictions.

15.   U.S. tomato growers also are gearing up for a legal fight with Mexico.

16.   Understandably, Florida tomato growers are not happy.

17.   Urban suggested that tomato growers in particular will have to either promote their products more heavily or find a way to get tomatoes into packaged salads.

18.   U.S. tomato growers argue Mexican imports are hurting them.

19.   Well, all my gardening parents are gone now, but there are still a lot of fine tomato growers around.

n. + grower >>共 119
sugar 8.88%
tobacco 8.22%
coca 7.40%
apple 5.10%
banana 4.77%
fruit 4.61%
tomato 4.11%
marijuana 3.29%
potato 2.96%
wheat 2.80%
tomato + n. >>共 215
sauce 23.77%
paste 10.58%
juice 5.67%
soup 4.52%
mixture 4.22%
plant 4.14%
puree 2.99%
slice 2.99%
grower 1.92%
salad 1.53%
每页显示:    共 25