11.   Tilt the pan until you can see the bottom.

12.   Tilt the pan as you pour, making a thin layer of batter.

13.   Tilt the pan so the oil coats the bottom.

14.   Tilt the pan, and move cooked portions as necessary.

15.   Tilt the pan so the olive oil evenly coats the inside.

16.   When the butter is melted, swirl and tilt the pan so the butter spreads evenly over the bottom.

17.   When butter starts to color, turn apple rounds, and pour in cup crepe batter, tilting pan to coat it evenly.

v. + pan >>共 166
remove 16.70%
cover 9.62%
place 8.26%
roast 4.90%
deglaze 4.54%
shake 3.54%
return 3.09%
put 2.63%
set 2.36%
fill 1.91%
tilt 1.54%
tilt + n. >>共 180
head 22.32%
balance 6.65%
pan 3.65%
chin 3.43%
face 2.79%
odd 2.79%
scale 1.72%
process 1.29%
benefit 1.07%
rotor 1.07%
每页显示:    共 17