11.   Instead of learning to read, children made shoes, sewed pillow cases and tilled the fields.

12.   Most of the population took refuge in areas under government control, and those who sided with the Communists lived in caves, tilling their fields after dark.

13.   The farmer, Abu Oudah al-Sayed, and his family have spent their entire lives tilling the fields around the mud walls of this village.

14.   They must stay and till their fields or starve.

15.   Where he used to till the field until it was flat, running over it two to three times, he only swipes it once with his machinery.

16.   Where he used to till the field until it was flat, running over it two to three times, he now swipes it only once.

17.   Poppy fields are tilled in an undulating pattern to allow for free-flow of water.

18.   In exchange for hauling water, finding firewood and tilling fields, he was fed and sheltered for two months.

19.   Koreans traditionally considered cows far more important animals than dogs because they provided a means of transporting goods and tilling the fields.

20.   The younger generation, he said, finds little attraction in tilling rice fields or growing grapes and melon.

v. + field >>共 708
leave 12.12%
take 9.22%
enter 2.69%
lead 2.05%
make 1.76%
narrow 1.74%
work 1.64%
clear 1.60%
develop 1.37%
reverse 1.32%
till 0.62%
till + n. >>共 23
field 25.47%
soil 23.58%
land 17.92%
end 4.72%
farm 4.72%
ground 3.77%
day 1.89%
earth 1.89%
garden 1.89%
plot 1.89%
每页显示:    共 27