11.   Later, after threatening a neighbor, he was involuntarily committed to a mental hospital for paranoid schizophrenia.

12.   MOVE members harassed and threatened neighbors at will.

13.   She said sanctions could be lifted whenever he complies with international norms and stops trying to acquire weapons of mass destruction and threatening his neighbors.

14.   Some public attitudes have the potential for more serious mischief if they lead Russian leaders to threaten their neighbors.

15.   Teheran lacks the money, manpower and military infrastructure to seriously threaten its neighbors, say a number of Iran experts.

16.   That resolution demands that Iraq completely pull back and never threaten its neighbors again.

17.   The Americans forced a Security Council vote on a resolution demanding that Iraq pull its troops back from the Kuwaiti border and not threaten its neighbors again.

18.   The sanctions, while far from flawless, have been aimed at preventing Hussein from rearming Iraq and threatening his neighbors again.

19.   The United States and the international community will not allow Baghdad to threaten its neighbors now or in the future.

20.   They sponsor terrorists, arrange assassinations abroad, threaten their neighbors and seek more powerful weapons of mass destruction.

v. + neighbor >>共 372
say 3.12%
help 3.04%
know 2.88%
kill 2.64%
threaten 2.64%
see 2.48%
have 2.40%
call 2.24%
accuse 2.24%
ask 1.92%
threaten + n. >>共 1339
action 5.20%
sanction 3.29%
life 2.90%
security 2.82%
stability 2.18%
retaliation 2.07%
strike 2.04%
attack 1.94%
veto 1.46%
violence 1.40%
neighbor 0.43%
每页显示:    共 33