11.   If the competition is close, the thinking goes, the Pentagon will pick Lockheed Martin because it can least afford to lose.

12.   Ill-informed voters with Democratic sympathies, the thinking goes, might vote for the first Doggett they see.

13.   Leave it to the marketplace, the thinking goes.

14.   Presidents, the thinking goes, maintain a level of clout because bureaucrats and members of Congress think the chief executive could stick around for eight years.

15.   Regulators and the financial markets could, the thinking goes, operate much better with more information.

16.   Restraints on currency convertibility, the thinking goes, are an excuse for recidivism.

17.   Switch women to their own training program, the thinking goes, and the problem will disappear.

18.   The more each worker can produce in the same number of hours, the more the economy can expand without straining resources and igniting inflation, the thinking goes.

19.   The presence of retail customers, the thinking goes, would slow the bidding and probably result in more disputes over vehicle defects.

20.   The president, this line of thinking goes, would never regularly shun the White House for a faraway home and auxiliary office.

a. + go >>共 219
same 14.42%
saying 12.77%
reasoning 5.66%
thinking 4.93%
first 1.82%
second 1.82%
down 1.64%
let 1.64%
letting 1.46%
case 0.91%
thinking + n. >>共 98
go 12.22%
skill 9.95%
machine 6.79%
process 5.88%
person 5.43%
time 3.62%
man 2.71%
small 2.71%
ability 2.26%
style 2.26%
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