11.   Most gene therapy experiments, in which genes are inserted into the body to correct inherited diseases or treat cancer, have failed to show much effect.

12.   Researchers gathering in Bethesda, Md., today submitted leads as to why the teen died after participating in a gene therapy experiment at the University of Pennsylvania.

13.   Sen. Bill Frist, R-Tenn., has called a hearing for next week to examine whether there is sufficient oversight for patient safety in gene therapy experiments.

14.   The discoveries are expected to eventually improve AIDS treatments, whatever the fate of gene therapy experiments.

15.   The gene therapy experiments are intended to fix this problem by putting a source of nerve growth factor back into the nucleus basalis.

16.   The episode at Penn stimulated a federal review of other gene therapy experiments, which recently put the spotlight on Boston cardiologist Jeffrey Isner.

17.   The NIH convened the conference in response to Congressional demands for greater protections for research participants following deaths in gene therapy experiment.

18.   When he worked at NIH, Anderson participated in the first human gene therapy experiments, performed on two girls with a rare inherited immune deficiency.

19.   A gene therapy experiment may have inadvertently exposed more than two dozen young cancer patients to the virus that causes AIDS, The Washington Post reported.

20.   An advisory committee to the National Institutes of Health debated a proposal calling for a moratorium on human gene therapy experiments, but then adjourned without taking a vote.

n. + experiment >>共 417
laboratory 8.78%
science 6.90%
lab 4.44%
gene 3.55%
therapy 3.25%
radiation 2.17%
mouse 1.78%
two-year 0.99%
thought 0.99%
three-year 0.99%
therapy + n. >>共 118
session 16.98%
experiment 6.92%
group 6.71%
program 5.66%
trial 5.24%
research 3.35%
study 2.52%
dog 2.31%
company 2.10%
product 1.89%
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