11.   The same themes recur, and Mao is even more idealized, but the style switches.

12.   The theme recurred again during World War I and World War II.

13.   The themes recur in a pattern reminiscent of the Yoruba bead art to which Wideman frequently refers in the text.

14.   The theme of hiding recurs in helmets painted in camouflage, sprouting real greenery.

n. + recur >>共 88
cancer 14.22%
problem 9.80%
theme 6.86%
disease 3.43%
tumor 3.43%
symptom 2.94%
motif 2.45%
incident 1.96%
infection 1.96%
injury 1.96%
theme + v. >>共 211
be 50.74%
emerge 3.43%
include 2.36%
run 1.86%
seem 1.67%
have 1.57%
continue 1.57%
recur 1.37%
come 0.98%
appear 0.88%
每页显示:    共 14