11.   A few days ago, my manager said that one of the other departments could use me, and he asked me if I would be willing to transfer.

12.   Both men and others familiar with the criminal justice system noted that some conflict between the two departments was virtually unavoidable.

13.   But patrolmen who make the move receive the same salary, because of the pay parity between the two departments.

14.   Experts on intelligence and missiles at the two departments have drafted reports with troubling conclusions, according to officials familiar with the drafts.

15.   In many respects, the behaviors that are planted at the top of the organization spread like ground cover over the other departments.

16.   It may even be helpful to bring key employees from the two departments together to discuss and jointly resolve the matter on their own.

17.   Now that the mathematics faculty members have rejected the idea of the poll, Jackson says it is up to them to make their case to the other departments.

18.   Officials of the MTA and senior officers of the transit police will begin negotiating with the Giuliani administration on the details of merging the two departments.

19.   One early test of how much power Bush intends to distribute to the various departments will come with the selection of crucial deputies, expected in the coming weeks.

20.   Representatives of the two departments accused one another of incompetence and tampering with evidence.

a. + department >>共 648
athletic 11.57%
state 5.58%
new 3.94%
marketing 3.51%
cabinet 2.37%
emergency 2.16%
insurance 2.10%
different 2.07%
federal 2.07%
legal 2.02%
the 1.29%
the + n. >>共 920
side 9.89%
country 7.05%
man 6.53%
company 3.06%
leader 2.13%
game 1.75%
team 1.34%
end 1.33%
group 1.30%
party 1.26%
department 0.04%
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