11.   But at the same time they set off a fierce debate among terrorism experts over just how likely it is that American towns and cities need fear resembling Jerusalem.

12.   But many terrorism experts believe that other nations, including Iraq and North Korea, have clandestine stocks..

13.   But terrorism experts cautioned that the group might be trying to exaggerate its importance by taking responsibility for one of the most serious anti-American acts in years.

14.   But terrorism experts said that contacts within the group indicated that Shining Path has now splintered into numerous factions.

15.   But terrorism experts say that when it came to the science of destruction, he was an innovator.

16.   But terrorism expert Yonah Alexander, who also teaches at George Washington University in Washington, disagrees.

17.   But Walsh, the terrorism expert at Harvard, said the number is probably very low.

18.   Dr. Neil C. Livingstone, a terrorism expert based in Washington, agreed.

19.   During the Cold War, most conservative Republicans could be counted on to back tough security measures, according to Jim Phillips, a Heritage Foundation terrorism expert.

20.   Former FBI agents and terrorism experts.

n. + expert >>共 577
industry 7.55%
health 4.64%
security 4.09%
bomb 3.66%
computer 2.71%
aviation 2.27%
safety 2.16%
explosive 1.97%
disposal 1.96%
weapon 1.38%
terrorism 1.05%
terrorism + n. >>共 210
charge 14.48%
expert 8.29%
suspect 7.43%
case 5.56%
investigation 5.32%
threat 3.13%
trial 2.90%
list 2.27%
coverage 2.19%
network 2.11%
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