11.   Likewise term limits.

12.   Pending adoption of that limit, candidates would be asked to sign pledges of support for term limits and those who refused would be publicly identified in ballot material.

13.   TERM LIMITS, by Vince Flynn.

14.   Term limits, a big GOP issue six years ago, is driving many Republican members to retire.

15.   Term Limits.

16.   Term limits for members of Congress.

17.   Term Limits?

18.   The new terms limit the risk in the stock, analysts said, but they also limit the potential return, making the shares less attractive.

19.   The term limits issue looked like a winner for Inglis when he took it up six years ago.

20.   The Speaker has already promised to make a vote on a constitutional amendment that would allow term limits for members the first significant vote of the session.

n. + limit >>共 792
law 6.60%
government 4.35%
rule 2.95%
bill 2.67%
state 1.64%
injury 1.56%
company 1.52%
constitution 1.19%
term 1.19%
measure 1.15%
term + v. >>共 291
be 31.94%
expire 12.52%
end 9.13%
refer 2.48%
have 2.28%
come 1.94%
mean 1.89%
include 1.70%
apply 1.60%
begin 1.46%
limit 1.41%
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