11.   He said private vehicles without special stickers would be barred from entering the area about one kilometre from the temple grounds.

12.   He said his temple had been flooded with anonymous telephone calls complaining that it was improper to allow the sculptures on the temple grounds.

13.   On the temple grounds, there is a three storey stone pagoda.

14.   Palm readers and other soothsayers can be found in many public places including malls, sidewalks, hotels, and temple grounds.

15.   Police looking for more evidence raided temple grounds in several areas of Japan.

16.   The raid produced only one minor charge, that Yen illegally rented public land outside temple grounds to street vendors.

17.   The temple grounds were covered with bloodstains, and dozens of heavily armed policemen guarded the site Tuesday in beefed-up security ordered by President Hosni Mubarak.

18.   The temple grounds were strewn with smashed window panes and burned furniture and garbage.

19.   The temple grounds were strewn with smashed window panes, sticks, burned furniture and garbage.

20.   The temple grounds were covered with bloodstains, and dozens of heavily armed policemen guarded the site after Mubarak ordered beefed-up security.

n. + ground >>共 360
school 8.86%
health 5.80%
security 4.95%
palace 3.71%
embassy 3.65%
hospital 3.32%
cricket 2.67%
football 2.48%
prison 2.41%
execution 2.08%
temple 1.76%
temple + n. >>共 201
complex 8.47%
ground 5.44%
event 3.83%
member 2.62%
campaign 2.62%
ruin 2.42%
fund-raiser 2.22%
compound 2.22%
priest 2.22%
site 2.02%
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