11.   If the talks do not succeed, Djukanovic has spoken of a referendum on independence, which his officials now say could take place as soon as February.

12.   If the talks succeed, he can take the credit.

13.   In any case, Takahashi made it clear that if the talks succeeded, Sumitomo would be running the new operation.

14.   In addition, the Swiss company, informally known as Algroup, has a profitable specialty chemicals division, which probably would be sold if the merger talks succeed.

15.   Rural farmers are caught in the middle, and they pray the talks will succeed despite the obstacles.

16.   There were indications that Clinton might be standing by for a Sunday peace ceremony in Dayton if the talks succeed.

17.   Waiting to see if the talks will succeed, many of the most critical foreign governments have tempered their anti-Burma rhetoric.

18.   When asked if he expected the talks to succeed, he expressed doubts.

19.   With this, the Americans and Israelis believed, the cease-fire talks might finally succeed.

20.   Agriculture issues will determine whether the upcoming round of World Trade Organization talks succeed, U.S. Agriculture Secretary Dan Glickman says.

n. + succeed >>共 845
effort 3.18%
company 2.68%
government 2.37%
talk 2.02%
team 1.55%
program 1.51%
bid 1.44%
strategy 1.44%
campaign 1.40%
plan 1.16%
talk + v. >>共 359
be 28.78%
resume 6.22%
begin 5.54%
continue 5.02%
take 3.00%
fail 2.86%
break_down 2.74%
go 2.66%
focus 2.30%
end 1.88%
succeed 0.35%
每页显示:    共 52