11.   When frustrated consumers take their grievances to court, interesting things can happen.

12.   Yet the crowd took its grievances to the doorstep of the most potent symbol of China here, the Chinese government liaison office.

13.   But they have warned that strong action would be taken if demonstrators tried to take their grievances onto the streets.

14.   For the Muslims the lesson is that they should follow procedures and the proper channels to take up grievances.

15.   He said British demonstrators should take their grievances to the EU headquarters in Brussels.

16.   Khan told reporters that he has taken his grievance to Pakistani Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto and President Farooq Ahmed Leghari.

17.   Rosenthal suggested the players form a union, take their grievances about the contract and negotiating process to the league and work out a deal.

18.   The case was one of a growing number in which impoverished peasants are taking their grievances against corrupt or tyrannical local officials to the courts and winning some redress.

19.   The measure also extended industrial relations laws to farmworkers, giving them the right to take grievances to special labor courts.

20.   Israeli government spokesman Moshe Fogel told AFP the Palestinians should not have taken their grievances to the Arab League.

v. + grievance >>共 120
file 29.42%
air 13.41%
address 5.79%
have 5.03%
hear 3.66%
take 3.51%
discuss 2.74%
redress 2.13%
settle 1.83%
withdraw 1.37%
take + n. >>共 753
place 12.16%
part 5.04%
action 3.23%
advantage 2.92%
time 2.33%
control 1.68%
effect 1.66%
office 1.51%
step 1.35%
lead 1.11%
grievance 0.01%
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