11.   The teeming masses yearning to be atop the leaderboard and the high-tech equipment and the swing gurus and the ungodly gobs of money are not the same.

12.   To many members of the tournament committee, he was much more than a swing guru to consult when their game went south.

13.   I took three or four days off a couple weeks ago to see my swing guru.

14.   Which left the explanations up to his swing guru, David Leadbetter.

n. + guru >>共 180
cult 7.07%
management 5.41%
fitness 4.16%
computer 4.16%
investment 3.53%
swing 2.91%
market 2.70%
self-help 2.29%
business 2.08%
quarterback 1.87%
swing + n. >>共 181
voter 18.11%
state 13.68%
vote 12.38%
district 4.53%
bowler 3.42%
pass 3.05%
set 2.96%
coach 2.87%
band 2.40%
music 2.22%
guru 1.29%
每页显示:    共 14