11.   Dwight Eisenhower had George Allen to laugh and swap stories with.

12.   Eager to hang out and swap life stories, he follows John around the shabby apartment they share like a wagging Scotty dog.

13.   Even if he wanted to swap pre-game stories with his old buddies, Collins would have a hard time.

14.   For four days, members swapped war stories, shared techniques for uncovering information and explored ethical questions.

15.   For more years than most can remember, days have begun the same way -- swapping stories over steaming coffee cups.

16.   Grandmother and I ate silently as the men discussed war news and swapped stories of local politicians.

17.   Guests mix at tables of four or six, passing dishes and swapping stories.

18.   He is swapping stories with legendary NASCAR driver, Richard Petty.

19.   In the lobby, in the bar and in chance encounters in the hall, the experts swapped frog stories.

v. + story >>共 516
tell 27.03%
have 4.20%
hear 3.24%
write 3.17%
read 2.01%
share 1.82%
change 1.81%
publish 1.59%
run 1.27%
know 1.25%
swap 0.65%
swap + n. >>共 445
story 6.84%
place 3.92%
share 3.47%
information 2.65%
bond 1.55%
hostage 1.46%
debt 1.46%
prisoner 1.19%
tales 1.09%
stock 1.09%
每页显示:    共 75