11.   On Friday, the city heard of about a half dozen cases of suspicious powder or envelopes and it is investigating them, the mayor said.

12.   Reports of suspicious powders were investigated at the Washington embassies of the United Arab Emirates and Australia and at the offices of USA Today in Arlington, Va.

13.   Since the anthrax scares began earlier this month, panicked reports of suspicious white powders have diverted or delayed more than a dozen flights.

14.   She contracted anthrax on her skin apparently after coming in contact with a suspicious powder in mail delivered to NBC headquarters more than two weeks ago.

15.   Testing a suspicious powder for anthrax spores can be quick and inexpensive or slow and costly, experts said Friday.

16.   Suspicious white powder.

17.   The Canadian police have responded to numerous reports of suspicious white powder, but, so far, none of the substances have tested positive for anthrax.

18.   The imprisoned hoaxers might, for instance, occasionally notice suspicious powders in their cells or odd tastes in their food.

19.   The New York Times reported a threatening letter covered in white powder, and the State Department analyzed a suspicious powder, which proved harmless.

20.   Police officials say the number of false alarms concerning suspicious white powders in Paris has steadily risen throughout the week.

a. + powder >>共 252
white 27.75%
cocoa 6.66%
black 5.75%
fine 4.74%
suspicious 4.24%
explosive 2.62%
dry 2.22%
coffee 1.51%
fresh 1.21%
loose 1.21%
suspicious + n. >>共 431
package 11.36%
activity 6.74%
circumstance 5.14%
letter 4.67%
object 3.96%
people 2.12%
powder 1.98%
vehicle 1.84%
behavior 1.79%
transaction 1.79%
每页显示:    共 42