11.   But after quarrels with Sadat, Serag Eddin quickly suspended its operations.

12.   But early this year, a contractor hired by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service abruptly announced that it was suspending operations.

13.   But it also had to suspend operations during both world wars.

14.   But his reservations might have been quelled now that Irwindale Speedway has suspended operations this weekend.

15.   But NATO officials denied that they had agreed to suspend operations to deny the air space over Bosnia to Serbian or other warplanes.

16.   But none of the organizations are willing to suspend relief operations, although critics have argued that the outside aid may be helping to prolong the war.

17.   But the operation was suspended Friday evening because the weather had deteriorated.

18.   By early this afternoon a rescue looked increasing unlikely as Peregrine units across Asia suspended operations.

19.   Camdessus said he was particularly pleased with how the Thai government handled the issue of financial institutions forced to suspend operations by the Thai government.

20.   By late today, a rescue looked increasing unlikely as Peregrine units across Asia suspended operations.

v. + operation >>共 566
have 6.25%
suspend 3.32%
resume 2.96%
begin 2.89%
undergo 2.40%
expand 2.34%
launch 2.22%
perform 2.04%
conduct 1.92%
run 1.88%
suspend + n. >>共 997
talk 6.61%
operation 4.93%
flight 3.56%
service 2.15%
player 2.14%
sanction 2.11%
negotiation 1.91%
aid 1.89%
sentence 1.77%
share 1.65%
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