11.   An unscientific survey this week suggested that the U.S. estimate is too low.

12.   And the survey suggested that good order and discipline were under assault in units around the country and in all the services.

13.   Another recent national survey suggests that the problem is not as pronounced with other types of loans.

14.   Another survey released today suggests U.S. manufacturing production picked up in February, although factories continued to cut jobs.

15.   As a result, the survey suggests that more companies may offer job training as a benefit to lure the best and the brightest workers.

16.   A British manufacturing survey suggested the economy is weak enough to allow room for another cut in interest rates as soon as next week.

17.   A new survey suggests Netscape Communications Corp. is losing its once-commanding lead in the Internet software market, while Microsoft Corp. is gaining fast.

18.   A new survey suggests that computers are eliciting rage in the workplace, or at least taking the brunt of it.

19.   A new survey suggests that most Americans are not.

20.   A new survey suggests that they remain out of favor with corporate travel managers.

n. + suggest >>共 931
report 7.64%
study 5.15%
official 4.73%
evidence 3.27%
poll 3.07%
analyst 2.70%
research 2.16%
expert 1.39%
datum 1.22%
finding 1.22%
survey 1.06%
survey + v. >>共 316
show 27.60%
find 15.89%
be 6.94%
say 5.60%
indicate 5.27%
suggest 4.19%
reveal 2.85%
have 1.66%
ask 1.59%
give 1.01%
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