11.   Last month, more than a dozen outstanding Polish intellectuals released an on open letter to the Chechens supporting their struggle for independence.

12.   Mandela thanked them for supporting the struggle to end white minority rule in South Africa.

13.   Mandela declined to comment on the conference, but expressed pleasure at seeing Jackson, who he said had supported the struggle against apartheid over many years.

14.   Students realized that their struggles were supported not only by lecturers, but also by university leaders and employees.

15.   Sinn Fein leader Gerry Adams appealed to South Africans Tuesday to support the struggle in Northern Ireland.

16.   The KLA opposes peaceful resistance of Kosovo Albanian leader Ibrahim Rugova and instead supports armed struggle to gain independence from Serbia.

17.   They passed by the United States embassy demanding that the West support their struggle for democracy.

18.   To do that, they have used several influential NGOs and the student activists of several universities to support their struggle.

19.   He said the OIC will continue to support the struggle of the Palestinian people and in its claims for Israel to implement agreements that had been reached.

20.   Two sons of Algerian Islamic fundamentalist leader Abassi Madani denied in court Wednesday having set up or been involved in Germany in an organisation supporting armed struggle in Algeria.

v. + struggle >>共 284
continue 10.64%
face 4.17%
have 4.17%
end 3.07%
wage 2.19%
win 2.19%
support 2.19%
see 2.19%
join 2.08%
watch 1.43%
support + n. >>共 944
effort 2.29%
idea 2.26%
terrorism 1.92%
bill 1.86%
family 1.67%
claim 1.63%
right 1.56%
rebel 1.50%
plan 1.38%
dollar 1.35%
struggle 0.09%
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