11.   An unidentified Israeli spokesman accused Rajoub of sending two suicide bombers to Jerusalem earlier this month and harboring fugitives in his compound.

12.   And like Atta and the other pilots, the muscle did not seem to fit the profile of suicide bombers as desperate and impoverished young men.

13.   And on Monday, another suicide bomber blew himself up near the boundary between the Gaza strip and Israel.

14.   And there is nothing folksy about the unsmiling armed security guards at the front door who look over visitors as if they were poorly disguised suicide bombers.

15.   And think about what places in Israel the Palestinian suicide bombers have targeted most.

16.   And yet the Palestinian suicide bombers continued their unforgivable murder of ordinary Israelis trying to go about their lives.

17.   And yet, despite that freedom of operation, Israeli soldiers continue to die there, because they simply have no answer for suicide bombers.

18.   Angry enemies of Lebanon sent a suicide car bomber into the US barracks in Lebanon.

19.   Another spokesman said soldiers had discovered a bomb-making laboratory nearby with two explosive belts of the kind used by suicide bombers.

20.   Another suicide bomber from the Aqsa Brigades blew herself up outside Jerusalem on Wednesday night, injuring three policemen.

n. + bomber >>共 71
suicide 86.54%
fighter 2.17%
woman 1.27%
stealth 1.27%
rebel 1.27%
car 0.68%
dive 0.63%
water 0.50%
shoe 0.50%
bus 0.32%
suicide + n. >>共 246
bomber 29.36%
bombing 24.15%
attack 17.69%
note 4.78%
attempt 4.73%
mission 1.95%
rate 1.60%
bomb 0.97%
attacker 0.89%
hijacking 0.69%
每页显示:    共 1899