11.   Whatever is cooked in it becomes glazed almost automatically, as the soy sauce cooks down and the sugar caramelizes.

n. + caramelize >>共 18
sugar 34.38%
onion 9.38%
heat 6.25%
skin 6.25%
apple 3.13%
chef 3.13%
coffee 3.13%
dark-roasting 3.13%
edge 3.13%
honey 3.13%
sugar + v. >>共 141
be 25.10%
dissolve 23.53%
melt 3.73%
have 2.35%
caramelize 2.16%
begin 1.37%
say 1.37%
turn 1.37%
become 1.18%
come 1.18%
每页显示:    共 11