11.   Only the York letter, however, offers any explanation for this sudden burst of activity.

12.   An effect as simple as a sforzando, a sudden forte burst that quickly fades away, is a surprising gesture on a Walter fortepiano.

13.   Barbara Nicklaus, seated in the audience, smiled at this sudden burst of competitive spirit, one she has witnessed since those campus days at Ohio State.

14.   A mechanical system, which is activated by any sudden burst of pressure, moves the head restraint forward to cradle the head before it snaps back.

15.   A month ago, executives were concerned that a sudden burst of economic activity would force the Federal Reserve to raise interest rates to guard against inflation.

16.   But the national drug policy director insisted he was pleased with the sudden burst of attention to the subject.

17.   Conditioning the muscles and tendons to sudden bursts of movement, says Chu, can also help prevent the ruptures and rendings suffered by weekend tennis and softball types.

18.   Her Albrecht, Possokhov, seemed deliberately reined in until a sudden passionate burst of yearning colored his performance from the end of Act I to the end.

19.   In his wry way, Nader seemed almost gleeful about the sudden burst of media attention his insurgent campaign is receiving.

20.   In those that do, subjects will appear in sudden bursts of uppercase, predicates in small letters, relative clauses perhaps in italics.

a. + burst >>共 323
short 6.35%
sudden 6.16%
occasional 4.69%
brief 3.81%
new 2.54%
sporadic 2.35%
initial 2.35%
final 2.35%
machine-gun 1.96%
quick 1.86%
sudden + n. >>共 1030
change 4.80%
surge 2.44%
departure 1.50%
burst 1.48%
drop 1.45%
loss 1.45%
rise 1.43%
shift 1.43%
increase 1.26%
appearance 1.22%
每页显示:    共 63