11.   Asked when studio executives would see it, one executive laughed.

12.   At a screening in Chicago, studio executives took one look at the tacked-on updates and went back to the original version.

13.   At parties after film openings, tables are traditionally reserved for the stars and their hangers-on, as well as producers, directors and studio executives.

14.   Because studio executives are notoriously elusive about the costs of a film, many movies that take in relatively high grosses are still big-time losers.

15.   Both Rove and the studio executives insisted there was no discussion of the government playing a role in determining the content of movies or television programs.

16.   A Los Angeles movie studio executive who requested anonymity said the industry is as interested as the president in creating quality entertainment.

17.   A number of industry leaders are also expected to testify, though many top film studio executives have thus far declined to attend, according to committee aides.

18.   A studio executive told the shocked Schulberg that he and his script were being turned over to the famed novelist.

19.   A studio executive, who would speak only on condition of anonymity, suggests otherwise.

20.   A studio executive who saw the completed movie described it as having little merit.

n. + executive >>共 588
company 13.98%
business 11.92%
industry 11.86%
network 4.17%
studio 2.90%
bank 2.66%
television 2.56%
oil 2.41%
airline 2.37%
auto 1.98%
studio + n. >>共 453
executive 13.91%
system 3.79%
head 3.41%
film 2.53%
analyst 2.47%
space 2.21%
album 2.09%
chief 1.96%
musician 1.71%
boss 1.64%
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