11.   Several hundred other American student marching band members, however, will be dumped from the Opening Ceremonies of the Sydney Games.

12.   Students march for an hour.

13.   The students marched through downtown Raleigh and then sought out individual legislators to make their case for smaller cuts.

14.   The students marched forward and backward in perfect step to the music, smiling and raising their hands perfectly together as if Arthur Murray had choreographed it all.

15.   The students marched and burned tires and pelted soldiers with stones.

16.   Then, with eight police officers following lazily in a small van, the students marched down a familiar protest route near the house where Suharto lives.

17.   Throughout the summer, students marched for the repeal of a law that gave authorities sweeping power to imprison dissidents.

18.   Thursday, students marched on a Managua police station and held a noisy sit-in in front of the jail where the students arrested in earlier protests are being held.

19.   While the students marched toward the center of town, Palestinian police at roadblocks around the city prevented foreign journalists from entering Nablus until the protest ended.

20.   Other demonstrations were held in Ramallah, where male and female college students marched separately.

n. + march >>共 336
thousand 10.91%
protester 8.64%
student 6.31%
demonstrator 6.19%
hundred 4.96%
troop 3.68%
people 3.06%
soldier 2.94%
group 2.45%
crowd 1.84%
student + v. >>共 919
be 10.57%
say 4.47%
have 3.98%
take 2.79%
learn 2.10%
get 1.44%
go 1.25%
do 1.10%
come 1.02%
use 1.02%
march 0.56%
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