11.   It had to be at the Masters where Tiger Woods struck dumb a sport, an industry and the chunk of American culture for whom these things matter.

12.   Mutombo was struck dumb.

13.   She is like a biblical prophet, wandering in the wilderness, striking dumb her opponents with insights from another plane of consciousness.

14.   Taking a lesson of his own, the practical man was suddenly struck dumb by his dumbness.

15.   Struck dumb by the effort of their journey, they tell their stories by reading a pack of tarot cards.

16.   The Boston contingent, headed by Rev. Bruce Wall, was struck dumb by the destruction when they visited last week.

17.   Today he would be struck dumb by ... such details!

18.   Too often, we men are struck dumb when it comes to our children.

19.   Travieso is a hired gun type of shooter who is not struck dumb when the coach asks him to bring the ball up.

20.   We were struck dumb by that chopper shot.

v. + dumb >>共 6
strike 80.77%
call 3.85%
consider 3.85%
keep 3.85%
make 3.85%
render 3.85%
strike + a. >>共 66
rich 41.31%
dumb 8.11%
hard 5.02%
close 3.86%
lucky 3.09%
big 2.70%
deeper 1.93%
dead 1.93%
closer 1.54%
early 1.54%
每页显示:    共 21