11.   On issues, Perot stressed his desire to curb federal spending and roll back free trade agreements.

12.   The Taiwanese, while stressing their desire for friendly dialogue, took several opportunities to publicize their positions during the visit.

13.   They stress their desire for close ties with Russia, though they clearly expect investment and economic benefits to come from their closer relationship with the West.

14.   Throughout his illness, Tejeda has stressed his desire to keep working in statements released by his office.

15.   Putin stressed his desire to bolster economic ties with western Europe.

16.   After visiting Republican and Democratic congressional leaders Monday, Bush stressed his desire to work with both parties toward common ground in the coming months.

17.   And with NATO set to expand eastward, the Kremlin has stressed its desire to seek new allies.

18.   De Charette spoke after meeting with visiting Israeli Foreign Minister David Levy, who issued the invitation and also stressed the desire to strengthen ties.

19.   Even countries not considered candidates for the first wave of new NATO members stressed their desire to integrate into Western Europe.

20.   Gold stressed his desire in May to solve the election dispute in mediation.

v. + desire >>共 332
have 23.75%
express 18.82%
reiterate 2.51%
indicate 2.46%
reflect 2.41%
show 1.93%
lose 1.64%
stress 1.40%
cite 1.30%
understand 1.16%
stress + n. >>共 685
need 21.55%
importance 20.64%
commitment 2.12%
support 1.27%
point 1.21%
value 1.09%
issue 0.97%
cooperation 0.91%
urgency 0.88%
desire 0.88%
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