11.   In some areas, drug dealers openly ply their trade on street corners.

12.   In this pouring rain on a busy street corner in Paris, I watch her face go soft with recognition.

13.   It is no less barbaric than killing people on a street corner.

14.   Liverpool was taking a beating, and rumours were free for the asking on every street corner and in every food queue.

15.   Men stood in groups on street corners.

16.   Nor were they inconsequential gossip and rumor being whispered by small-town idlers on local street corners.

17.   On a street corner in the bustling city centre Petrona Sanchez, a lottery saleswoman, is equally bewildered.

18.   On every street corner a newspaper billboard proclaimed it, in every soup kitchen queue people discussed it.

19.   On one street corner a dusky Moorish maiden, the next a Nordic blonde.

20.   She says that most desirable street corners already have one or more of the two chains.

a. + corner >>共 674
street 16.31%
right 7.12%
left 5.90%
far 3.85%
top 2.65%
northwest 2.59%
upper 2.44%
remote 2.15%
outside 2.11%
dark 1.92%
street + n. >>共 779
protest 10.69%
corner 9.57%
vendor 4.93%
clothes 3.15%
demonstration 2.96%
child 2.75%
crime 2.68%
battle 2.58%
violence 2.55%
light 2.28%
每页显示:    共 783