11.   Prosecutors have said that shed and another one were used to store materials used in preparation for the bombing, as well as stolen guns.

12.   Research laboratories and other facilities also may store radioactive materials.

13.   Stokes and Thompson say they hope to store the material at Hanford.

14.   Storing contaminated materials is expensive and could drag on for decades, depriving Yankee Atomic of a completed project to tout in selling its decommissioning business.

15.   The containers, which are monitored for radioactive seepage, are said by German authorities to be capable of storing radioactive materials safely for tens of thousands of years.

16.   The owner of the trailer, Joel Barrocas, said that he used the trailer to store materials for his factory down the block, Mona Slide Fasteners Inc.

17.   The tunnel will help scientists study the ground in which they would store the material, which will remain highly radioactive for thousands of years.

18.   Under the legislation, DNA samples will be taken from families that wish to have the genetic material stored to be matched against material taken from unidentified human remains.

19.   Using company equipment to download and store pirated material could also leave firms vulnerable to copyright infringement suits.

20.   Users of radioisotopes have been forced for years to store the materials on site or to pay to have them taken away.

v. + material >>共 878
use 6.31%
contain 3.96%
include 2.20%
carry 1.90%
provide 1.90%
distribute 1.84%
produce 1.64%
find 1.64%
remove 1.52%
sell 1.43%
store 0.61%
store + n. >>共 614
datum 6.61%
information 6.61%
waste 3.17%
water 2.90%
weapon 2.37%
amount 1.74%
food 1.61%
file 1.56%
energy 1.52%
material 1.52%
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