11.   Most store managers have worked their way up through the ranks.

12.   The store manager always asked the brawniest person there to do the heavy lifting.

13.   The store manager accused the boy of stealing.

14.   Decided to take her on as store manager.

15.   When the sales representative refused to help us, we went to the store manager.

16.   I interviewed the store manager and personnel manager of a large and busy Burger King fast food establishment.

17.   The store manager has worked his way up from the bottom and is now concerned with the financial side of operations.

18.   The personnel manager tended to answer questions from a more theoretical point of view and the store manager tended to be more practical in his answering.

19.   This left the store manager free for other activities.

20.   The store manager did indeed say he was a fairly hard-line manager looking for efficiency, whereas the personnel manager took a more compassionate stance.

n. + manager >>共 548
fund 13.63%
money 10.86%
portfolio 3.75%
campaign 3.31%
team 3.23%
project 2.06%
store 2.06%
business 1.80%
branch 1.33%
hotel 1.31%
store + n. >>共 455
owner 14.14%
shelf 13.72%
manager 9.10%
window 6.23%
clerk 4.49%
employee 2.94%
chain 2.39%
closing 2.03%
sale 1.84%
opening 1.68%
每页显示:    共 280