11.   His son, Prince Andrew, made a more informal, entry, stopping to say hello to some friends in the adjoining diplomatic tent.

12.   It was a home where cars were always stopping, late into the night, Ballard said.

13.   Nobody stops to say, wait a minute, what this guy is doing is extremely difficult.

14.   On the way back, she stopped to say hello to Duffy, whom she had previously met.

15.   Others just stopped to say they were sorry.

16.   Shear, one of the stars of the show, stopped to say hello on her way to her dressing room.

17.   Three times Al Groh stopped to say thank you.

18.   Visibly shaken, Lief stomped out of the conference room without stopping to say goodbye to Crew or two board members who accompanied him.

19.   When I stopped him to say that the problem was one of quantity not quality, that my pond had no water, the room murmured in pity.

20.   When they stopped Saturday for their first meal back in the United States, Womack said they ate more pancakes than he had ever seen consumed in one sitting.

v. + say >>共 880
be 14.52%
call 4.02%
have 3.05%
suffice 2.02%
do 1.78%
police 1.74%
make 1.67%
come 1.50%
need 1.45%
happen 1.26%
stop 0.57%
stop + v. >>共 354
help 5.56%
watch 4.87%
talk 4.74%
ask 4.05%
think 3.50%
chat 3.16%
look 2.61%
take 2.47%
pick_up 2.20%
buy 2.20%
say 1.65%
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